the mysteries of science
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
i left what i needed to say here @12:38 PM

Plants that grow in deserts must be able to withstand long droughts and high temperatures. You might think that these kind of plants are scarce, but yet, there are amny plants that are able to grow, though they are widely scattered.

Most common desert plants are small desert plants, called ephemerals. These plants produce seeds that lie dormant for years, but they complete their life cycle in six to eight weeks after a rainstorm.

E.g. The chief plants in Australia's Simpson Desert are normally hardy shrubs and spinifex grass. But millions of flowering ephemerals spring to life after rain, producing a scene of beauty and food for insects, birds and other animals. But the plants are soon gone after their life cycle ends, and only their seeds remain.

Some plants are drought-tolerant. This means that they can survive without water by either conserving their water of obtaining water through other means.

E.g. The creosote bush in North America is able to survive an entire year without a single drop of water. While some plants, such as the ocotillo (or coach whip), shed their leaves during droughts and regrow them after rain. Other plants called succulents, like the cacti of Americas and euphorbias in the Old World, have fleshy stems or roots which are capable of storing large amounts of water. succulents often have waxy surfaces to reduce water loss or hairs to refect sunlight or act as insulators. Others close their stomata during the day or have unpleasant taste to prevent animals from taking their water. They also have deep root systems.

The largest cactus species in the world is the saguaro, and it often reaches a height of 15 metres or 50 feet. It has an extensive root system and can store up to 6 tp 8 tonnes of water in its trunk and branches. Smaller cactus species provide water for thirsty travellers.

Source: Deserts by Keith Lye

&the beauty of time is that once it starts ticking, it'll never stop.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010
i left what i needed to say here @6:28 PM

Cells, Tissue and Organs/ Osmosis and Diffusion
A cell is a single unit of life. It contains many organelles such as the nucleus or chloroplasts.

Gene, Chromosome, Nucleus.

Chloroplast, Palisade Mesophyll Cell, Tissue, Organ System, Organism

Protoplasm refers to the organelles in a cell.

What is the plant tissue that transports water?
Xylem vessel.

What is the cell that transports oxygen in humans?
Red Blood Cell.

Xylem vessel has no protoplasm, true or false?
TRUE. It does not have any protoplasm so as to not hinder water movement.

I have long threads that can carry information. What am I?

Which animal cell, when placed in distilled water, will burst?
Red blood cell. It will burst as it does not have a cell wall.

What type of leaf does not completely contain chlorophyll?
Varigated leaf. (The green parts contain chloroplasts and the white parts DO NOT CONTAIN CHLOROPLASTS.)

Photosynthesis can occur when there is respiration, true or false?

Respiration occurs all the time, true or false?

What should one do to only allow respiration to take place in plants?
Place the plant in a dark room, with no sunlight.

How does one test for carbon dioxide?
Limewater. The limewater will turn chalky, into a white precipitate, when in contact with carbon dioxide.

How do we know that carbon dioxide is needed for photosynthesis?
Have 2 plants, use one as a control. Cover both plants with a plastic bag, and in one, place soda lime. The soda lime will absorb all the carbon dioxide.

What are the raw materials needed for photosynthesis?
Water and Carbon Dioxide.

What are the conditions needed for photosynthesis?
Chlorophyll and Sunlight.

What is the end product of photosynthesis?
Oxygen and Glucose.

What is glucose used for?
It is used for respiration in plants.

Mitochondrion (singular form), Mitochondria (plural form)
It's function is to transport oxygen in cells, which will transport oxygen to different parts of the body. The muscle cell and the sperm cell contains the most mitochondria.

Water diffuses through partially permeable membranes like the visking tubing faster than glucose. It diffuses by osmosis because there is a higher concentration in the water than in the glucose. The glucose can diffuse through a visking tubing, but it diffuses slower than water.

Potato A is placed in a concentrated salt solution. Water will leave the potato by osmosis. There is a higher water concentration in the cell sap than in the salt solution. The potato will become soft and flaccid.

Potato B is placed in water. Water will enter the potato by osmosis. There is a higher water concentration in the water than in the cell sap. The potato will become hard and turgid.

Starch can pass through cell walls, because the cell wall is fully permeable. However, starch cannot pass through the cell membrane as the cell membrane is partially permeable.


Osmosis is the net movement of water molecules from a solution of higher water potential to a solution of lower water potential through a partially permeable membrane.

Diffusion is the most common type of passive transport. It is also the net movement of molecules from a region of high concentration to a region of low concentration, and it is a slow process.

Diffusion stops when molecules are dispersed evenly, with no concentration gradient, and a state of equilibrium is reached.

Excessive water intake causes an animal cell to swell and eventually bursts.

Excessive water loss causes cell to shrivel and shrink.

Diffusion takes place the fastest in gas, followed by liquid, and it takes place the slowest in solids.

Why is diffusion important?
(1)Gaseous exchange (oxygen, carbon dioxide) during respiration and photosynthesis.
(2)Excreting waste products like ammonia, water and mineral salts.
(3)Absorption of digest food into blood through walls of small intestine.
(4)Enables animals to detect food by smell.

Steps For a Starch Test:
(step 1) Boil the leaf for 5 minutes. This is to stop all enzyme action in the leaf.
(step 2) Immerse the boiled leaf in ethanol to decolourize the leaf.
(step 3) Put the decolourized leaf in hot water to soften it.
(step 4) Remove the leaf from water and drop iodine on it's surface.
(step 5)Check if the iodine turns blue-black. This will show that starch is present.

Factors that speed up diffusion:
(1)Temperature - the higher the temperature, the higher the rate of diffusion.
(2)Size of particles - small molecules are able to diffuse faster than large molecules.
(3)Thickness of barrier - thicker cell walls in plant cells, the slower the rate of diffusion. Call membranes in plants and animals are about the same thickness and permeability.
(4)Surface area - the larger the surface area, the faster diffusion can take place.
(5)Concentration gradient - The greater the gradient, the higher the rate of diffusion.
(6) State of matter - diffusion is slow in solids, faster in liquids and fastest in gases.

Diffusion in living organisms:
(1) Diffusion of digested food substances through the cells lining the small intestine and into the blood.
(2) Diffusion of oxygen, mineral salts and water from the surrounding soil into a root hair cell.

Helping Points/ Points to Consider
1) When asked to describe a cell, describe it's function and structure.

osmosis, diffusion/diffuse, high/higher water concentration, low/lower water concentration, flaccid, turgid, homogeneously spread, partially permeable, fully permeable,

&the beauty of time is that once it starts ticking, it'll never stop.


Who am I?
I am Kimberley Lim.
kaye-eye-am-bee-ee-arr-ell-ee-wyy *space* ell-eye-am.

You may think I'm crazy,
but there's nothing wrong with me,
or my name.
FUN FACT about my name(Kimberley):
my name is the name of a state in Australia! (:

loves & hates

Everything is about simplicity.
It's just that simple.
It's just a matter of how you look at things.
That's when things can become from simple to complicated.

What I love is fairly simple.
Doing well in exams is what i love the most.
In this world,
doing well in academics might guarantee a good job.
that's why i strive to do well.
i may not be the best,
but at least I'm making full use of my abilities.
Other than that,
there's nothing I love more than
GOD, family and friends.
They're what makes my life oh-so-colourful.
travelling, photography, playing harp,
reading DARK romance novels, playing video games/computer games are
my passions.
it's what i'll do for now to relieve myself from the world of academics when i need it.
What I hate, is even simpler. What's the opposite of doing well for exams? Doing badly for exams! it's as simple as that.


what i want is what i love.
simple eh?

but there's nothing more that i want
than being able to
travel around the world
and bring back the memories
and wonders of the world
when i grow up.
that's all i ever want for my future.


other worlds

Kimberly Kiong
Gracia Lee
Beverly Yeap
Kang Li Xin
Evangel Teo
Nicole Yip
Samantha Samuel
Pae En Qi
Dione Toh
Heather Lim
Nadine Chua
Soh Jing Wen
Rachel Wong
Kate Koh


March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
July 2010
August 2010


designer joy.deprived
fonts&brushes xxx
images x
image hosting x

Adobe Photoshop CS3, Macromedia Dreamweaver 8.0

- please keep the credits AS THEY ARE :] thankyou.